Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Week of July 20th

Well I’ve had a very productive week (which I’m sure I owe entirely to the fact that I had a week off from work) and I’m well on track to meet every single one of my goals for the month. I revised 6 chapters of my thesis (and am down to only 3 left!), did some work on my new novel (and had some really exciting breakthroughs about who my main character is), sent out 4 story submissions, and spent 5 hours on short stories. I also got back on track with the agent hunt and sent out 5 more queries. I had sort of a dry week as far as hearing back from agents is concerned, didn’t get a single response all week.

I did, however, get a couple of short story rejections this week, both with personal comments from the editors, so that’s good. One of them was extremely encouraging, saying some very complimentary things about my writing style and letting me know that they ultimately decided to reject the story because they weren’t that in to the subject matter of that particular story. It’s a nice sort of validation, to be told by an editor that they recognize the worth of your writing and they think you’re a good writer, even if they don’t feel your piece fits with what they’re looking for.

So far this month I’m at:

  1. 16 out of 19 novel chapters revised
  2. 16 out of 20 hours spent on short stories
  3. 8 out of 10 submissions sent to journals
  4. 19 out of as many as possible queries sent to agents (and received 4 rejections; 1 manuscript request)

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