I did meet all my goals for October. I revised 9 chapters of my thesis, and I really feel like it’s coming together well. This is finally beginning to look like the novel I set out to write. I also sent out 10 submissions, as usual, and I spent some time working on some revisions of a couple of different stories.
For November, I’m going to add into the mix a goal of 15 hours spent on short stories (although I’d like to push myself to spend more like 20 or 30). I need to get something new done for workshop, and I’ll be submitting for workshop next week as well so I should get some good thoughts for revision on that story, but I want to make sure I’m spending time on stories and not just my thesis. I’m putting together a collection of short stories that I’d like to have as another manuscript I can try to get published while I’m trying to get my novel and my children’s book out there.
That said, I do want to spend most of my efforts on my thesis. My plan is to have this newest draft done by the end of this semester so I can get some new feedback from some people. Based on my current outline for the new draft, it should be 28chapters long. I’m 9 chapters into it, so I need to budget my time out to make sure I have all 28 done by the third week in December. So I’m setting the goal of (at least) 3 chapters rewritten per week.
November Goals:
- Rewrite 12 Chapters of thesis
- Spend 15 hours working on short stories
- Send 10 Submissions
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